
31 December, 2014



単純に自分の好きな香りを空間に出すだけでは意味が無いと実感し、日本では香りのブランディングにいち早く感性工学の手法を取り入れました。香りの付加価値を可視化していく共同研究をパートナー企業と進め、代表の私自らも大学院に通い、香りの付加価値について学術的に研究を進めています。また香りだけの研究でなく、感性豊かな空間づくりを推進する企業でKANSEI PROJECT COMMITTEEを結成して、人にとって特別な五感の空間づくりを科学的に追求しています。





Happy New Year! In 2015, we at Air Aroma Japan are embarking on our fourth year as a company. As you may know, the global Air Aroma Group continues to create and develop memorable spaces of comfort and relaxation in over 80 countries, conducting scent branding and marketing for companies around the world.

When it comes to scent, we know making recommendations according to our preferences is ineffective for public spaces. Thus in Japan, we have begun to incorporate the “kansei (sensory) engineering” method into our branding, focusing on designing spaces that appeals to the human senses.

In an effort to find the most positive effects of scents, our ongoing research with partner companies continues. At the same time, as the head of Air Aroma Japan, I am attending a graduate school to further my research on scientifically proven approaches to scent marketing. We have also launched an organization called the KANSEI PROJECT COMMITTEE, a group focusing on all five human senses in the creation of relaxing spaces.

Scents can instantly bring a sense of joy or relief, and it is proven to trigger lasting memories. We at Air Aroma Japan look forward to evolving as a company this coming year, continually developing scent marketing professionals that can bring joy to our clients.

We hope you have a wonderful new year, wishing you great success in 2015!

Mai Yanagawa 
Managing Director