冬を楽しむインタラクティブアート  「雪の香り」で演出

18 January, 2016

冬を楽しむインタラクティブアート  「雪の香り」で演出

“五感で体感できる“アロマの雪”って? 京都水族館「雪とくらげ」幻想的アートにうっとり”
− ウレぴあ総研

- 女子SPA!



海の中を泳ぐ姿が月に似ていることから「海月」と書く「くらげ」。そのくらげの赤ちゃんの姿が雪の結晶の形に似ていることを知っていますか? このクラゲの赤ちゃん「エフィラ」が水中を漂う様子がはらはらと降る雪を思わせることから、ふわふわと水槽を漂うクラゲを幻想的で趣のある美しい京都の雪景色に重ね合わせたインタラクティブアートが期間限定で京都水族館に登場しました。



観客が参加することで完成する芸術、インタラクティブアート。 人の動き合わせて現れる波紋や雪跡が、水族館にいることすら忘れまるで映像の中の世界に飛び込んだ様な不思議な感覚に浸らせてくれます。




Produced by
Master Mind Productions,inc (音楽)/ 
air aroma(香り)

場所:京都水族館 クラゲゾーン


Interactive Art Presentation Delights with the “Aroma of Snow”

“What in the world is Aromatic Snow? Fall in love with the fairy-tale art presentation “Snow and Jellyfish” at the Kyoto Aquarium.”

Ure Pia Soken

“From music that soothes and transports us to a snowy Kyoto wonderland, to a fragrance inspired by snow. I feel myself relaxing, forgetting the daily stresses…”

Joshi Spa!

“An original fragrance called “YUKIKYO” has been made with snowy Kyoto as its inspiration, subtly elevating the room with its gentle scent.”


“You must experience the original fragrance “YUKIKYO” in person to understand its terrific appeal. These interactive presentations are getting better with each passing year.”

Evenear Staff

In Japanese, the written kanji character for “jellyfish (海月)” includes “ocean (海)” and “moon (月)”, based on the notion that the sea creatures are shaped like moons in the sea.

But did you know that baby jellyfish actually resemble snowflakes? Called “ephyra” in the development stages of a jellyfish, these babies in the sea look like snow falling from the sky, thus inspiring the aquarium to come up with its latest interactive art installment.

For a limited time, visitors can experience a walk through the majestic snowy landscape of Kyoto, with jellyfish drifting gently like flakes of snow.

Stroll through Kyoto’s stunning winter wonderland and you may notice our special Air Aroma fragrance “YUKIKYO” in the air, blended specially for this installation. The Kyoto-inspired aroma adds both elegance and freshness to the room, like the feel of crisp winter air in Japan’s most historical city.

Interactive art becomes complete when a visitor steps into the room and experiences the space with all five senses. Ripples and tracks of snow appear as visitors move about, and surrounding sounds and images are sure to transport guests out of the aquarium, into the snow.

Puddles on the ground react to visitors’ footsteps, making it feel as though you are walking on water.

The rhythms of the jellyfish are incorporated into the music, creating a sense of peacefulness, and together with the aroma, quiet harmony.

See, smell, and hear the magical world of Kyoto in the snow in an experience you will not soon forget.

Produced by
Master Mind Productions, inc (Music)/ 
air aroma(Aroma)

Installation Period: December 26, 2015 (Sat) to March 13, 2016 (Sun)
Venue: Kyoto Aquarium Jellyfish Zone