極上のリラクゼーションと香り A Luxurious Spa Fragrance

19 March, 2015

極上のリラクゼーションと香り A Luxurious Spa Fragrance

3月も中旬を過ぎ東京もだんだんと暖かくなり、街中で桜を見かける機会も増えて来ました 。春先に咲く全国の花々は、寒い冬を乗り越えたご褒美のようにも感じられます。


「至誠」の名前は、自身も夏ミカンを育て食していたと言われる吉田松陰の残した名言*「至誠にして動かざる者は 未だ之れ有らざるなり」よりインスピレーションを受けて付けられました。(名前の由来について詳しくはこちらをどうぞ)


実は山口県にとてもゆかりのあるホテル椿山荘東京。明治の元勲 山縣有朋公が「つばきやま」と親しまれていたその地を「椿山荘」と命名し、邸宅を構えていたことで知られています。山縣有朋公は現在の山口県萩市の出身で、吉田松陰に大きな影響を受けたと言われています。



**至誠:エアアロマ初の 「Made in Japan」のエッセンシャルオイルは、夏みかんのさわやかな香りをベースに、日本三大美林の一つである青森ヒバの神聖な香りと、ストレスを軽減させる香料の研究によって生まれた青葉の香りをブレンドしています。

As we fast approach the end of March, we feel Tokyo getting warmer and catch glimpses of cherry blossoms starting to bloom around the city, as if to reward us for enduring another long winter.

In the city of Hagi in Yamaguchi prefecture each May, the famous natsumikan (summer orange) flowers envelops the entire town in a sweet, refreshing aroma. Hoping to connect the peaceful scent of Hagi with our busy lives in Tokyo, we have created a natsumikan-based fragrance called Shisei, which translates to "devotion".

The name was inspired by the words of one of Japan’s greatest heroes and most distinguished intellectuals Yoshida Shoin in the closing years of the Tokugawa Shogunate (circa 1850), who called for devotion and sincerity in every action one took.

And just as the natsumikan buds start to sprout in Hagi, back in Tokyo the Shisei fragrance can be enjoyed at the luxurious Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo. Currently, the refreshing scent is being enjoyed inside Chinzanso’s luxurious spa, inviting guests to relax completely and let go of their worries.

It is a well-known fact that Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo has close ties to Yamaguchi and the natsumikan. In 1878, Meiji Era Prime Minister Yamagata Aritomo, who hailed from Yamaguchi and was said to be greatly influenced by the teachings of Yoshida Shoin, built his home and garden where the hotel stands today, naming it Chinzanso.

It is often assumed that scents disappear after a moment, but scents can connect us over time and space, transporting us back to Yoshida Shoin’s era, where he himself was known to grow and enjoy natsumikan trees. Closing our eyes in a spa in Tokyo, we are able to imagine the faraway land of Yamaguchi, reminding us of the endless possibilities a fragrance possesses.

*About Shisei: The first Air Aroma essential oil to be created in Japan, Shisei is a blend of natsumikan with the serene scent of Aomori hiba and a green leaf extract scientifically proven to lessen the effects of stress on the human body.