CEATEC JAPAN 2016 共同展示 NEW Smart Project “FREEDOM”〜ブースよりレポート

05 October, 2016

CEATEC JAPAN 2016 共同展示 NEW Smart Project “FREEDOM”〜ブースよりレポート

10月4日(火)〜10月7日(金)の期間、CEATEC JAPAN 2016 共同展示 NEW Smart Project “FREEDOM”にて、協力会社として香りの演出をしています。



次世代型エネルギーの蓄電システムの隣には、いち早くこの蓄電システムを購入された方で熊本地震に遭われた方のコメントもパネルで展示されていました。 蓄電システムに電気を蓄えられるおかげで「炊き出しの行き届かなかった期間も電気でご飯を炊き、ご近所に提供できた」「携帯を充電することができた」など有事の備えにも、今大きな注目を浴びています。

近未来のエネルギー共有の在り方。 それは地球と一緒に存在すること。 自然の仕組みを使って、個人個人がエネルギーを作り、蓄え、分け合って使う。 そんな新しい共存の時代へと向かう喜びを、爽やかな香りとともに感じていただければと思います。 今週金曜日までの開催となります。ぜひ足をお運びください。

▼CEATEC JAPAN 2016の詳細についての過去ブログはこちら



Reporting from the Booth at CEATEC JAPAN 2016 Joint Exhibition NEW Smart Project “FREEDOM”

From October 4th to October 7th, Air Aroma is scenting the CEATEC JAPAN 2016 Joint Exhibition - NEW Smart Project “FREEDOM”.

The exhibition venue has been transformed into a “virtual power station” that connects society, homes and cars. The electric cars on display are enhanced with a scent named serene, known for its clear and refreshing blend of eucalyptus and lavender. And in the trailers, our arobalance scent invites visitors to relax into the soothing, natural environment.

Just as interest in local food has been on the rise, local energy and power is also on people’s minds of late. This exhibition focuses on the ways in which energy can be created, stored, used and shared, including dispersing and placing systems that create energy through solar and wind power in regular homes. By doing so, large power plants can effectively be shuttered, and overabundant energy can be distributed to areas in need.

Next to the innovative energy storage systems were comments from users that had incorporated the systems into their homes prior to being hit by the Kumamoto Earthquake.

Their ability to store energy, they say, has paid off in numerous ways. “We were able to cook rice using electricity to share with neighbors who couldn’t make it to the local emergency cookouts” and “I was able to charge my phone”. These comments are garnering much attention.

The future of energy sharing, and sharing resources with the earth. With the help of nature, individuals can now create, store, and share energy. We hope visitors can experience the joy of “sharing” first-hand, perhaps with the help of a refreshing scent. The exhibition ends next Friday. We hope you will join us.

▼See details about CEATEC JAPAN 2016 here: