安らぎと出会う瞬間 Scents as Memories

17 February, 2015

安らぎと出会う瞬間 Scents as Memories

「香りほど、 過去を完全に蘇らせるものはない」  ーウラジミール・ナボコフ(作家)




時間と空間と人間の3つの「間」が交わるところに、優しく、柔らかく存在したいと日々願うエアアロマにとって、 奥様の記憶に香りが残ったことは大変嬉しい出来事でした。一時の癒しがこんなにも心に残ることもあるのだと改めて実感しました。



「香りほど、 過去を完全に蘇らせるものはない」


Nothing revives the past so completely as a smell that was once associated with it.
  - Vladimir Nabokov

Several years ago, we received a phone call in our office from a gentleman in search of a scent. He and his wife had recently visited a hotel lounge in the city, and as they relaxed into their seats they experienced a moment of gentle relief, their minds and bodies freeing themselves of tension.

At home later that afternoon, they took off their coats and smelled sweet remnants of the aroma in the lounge, and with it came the memory of the “wonderful time” spent together. Over the telephone, the gentleman asked if he could purchase the aroma oil they had experienced in the hotel. 

Because we did not have an online shop at the time, we informed him the scent was unfortunately not for sale. He did not give up, however, asking us if he and his wife could visit our office and pick up the scents in person.

A few days later he arrived, pushing his wife’s wheelchair into our Tokyo office. The couple shared how much the scent meant to them, how it had provided comfort.

As they left our office with a few bottles of the oil, we too were left with a memory we would not soon forget.

As Nabokov said, nothing revives the past so completely as a smell.