学会発表報告「Arobalance」 The Effect of Arobalance on Concentration

17 April, 2015

学会発表報告「Arobalance」 The Effect of Arobalance on Concentration

2015年3月6日に行われた日本機械学会主催による講演会にて、エアアロマの香り「Arobalance(アロバランス)」を含めたアロマと集中力との関係についての検証が発表されました。(エアアロマジャパン代表 柳川舞が、共著者として参加)





At a conference held by the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers on March 6, 2015, the results of a data experiment testing the effects of Air Aroma’s Arobalance fragrance on "concentration" were presented. (Air Aroma Japan’s Mai Yanagawa is a collaborator in the experiment.) 

In a modern world brimming with stress, aromatherapy is known to be effective in relieving stress. However, the positive effects of fragrances are often measured through subjective means such as questionnaires, and scientific data is more difficult to procure.

To obtain objective data, the experiment tested the effects of Arobalance, the fragrance developed with the University of Queensland following ten years of research, and has been proven to reduce the adverse effects of chronic stress.

In this experiment, subjects were asked to sit before a computer screen and draw a portrait as shown on the screen. The degree of focus was tested in three separate sessions: with no fragrance, with a fragrance selected by the subject, and finally, with Arobalance in the workspace.

As the subject surveyed a photograph on the left screen and traced it onto a screen on the right, eye-tracking and heat-mapping devices were used to measure the length of time and areas in which the subject fixed his gaze. After completing all three sessions, data was retrieved and compared to see which situation showed the subject concentrating most intently.

In the case of all subjects, it was found that the eyes traveled between screens more rapidly with a preferred fragrance than when there was no scent, and quicker still when Arobalance was diffused into the environment. In conclusion, it can be said that Arobalance increases the subject’s concentration, allowing the subject to look at the screen more attentively.

We have learned through the experiment that fragrances not only help to reduce stress and enhance relaxation, it also aids in increasing focus. In the future, we may find fragrances assisting people in places one might not even imagine.