東京オフィススタッフから見たNY A Tokyo Staffer's NY Experience

06 March, 2015

東京オフィススタッフから見たNY A Tokyo Staffer's NY Experience



Q: NYで10日間過ごしてみて、見方が変わったところは?

まず、NYの人がとてもフレンドリーだったのが印象的でした。スーパーのレジで店員さんとおしゃべりしたり、バレンタインデーにはすれ違う人が「Happy Valentine's Day!」と声を掛けてくれたり、楽しい気分で1日を過ごせました。また、ニューヨークの人は健康に対する意識がとても高いと感じました。氷点下でも早朝ランニングをしたり、ジムへ行ったり… 歩くのが速いのにも驚かされました(笑)

Q: アメリカと日本の香りのマーケティングで違うと感じたところは?


Q: 「グローバル」に働くとは?


Q: アメリカでのコミュニケーションで戸惑うことはありましたか?


Q: NYではどのような場所に香りを取り入れていますか?


Q: 一番好きなエアアロマの香りは?

 Classic Spiceです。ウッド系の優しい香りの中に、スパイスがきいていて、とてもかっこよく個性的な香りです。部屋でも使っていますが、気分が高まり、絵を描いているときや物を創っているときなどクリエイティブな思考を助けてくれます。

Q: NYで見たアート・ファッションで印象に残っているのは?





A few weeks ago, the Tokyo and New York offices of the Air Aroma Group engaged in a staff exchange in which staff members from opposite sides of the world swapped office desks for a week.

Last week, we shared an interview with Rachel from the New York sales team about her experiences in Tokyo.

This week, we turn our attention to Yumi Kuriyama, customer support staff with the Tokyo office, who spent ten days in a frozen Manhattan.

Q: What’s your impression of New York after spending 10 days there?

It was refreshing to see store clerks chatting with customers in the checkout line, and people saying “Happy Valentine’s Day!” to each other on the street. I was impressed with how health-conscious some New Yorkers are, going to the gym or jogging in subzero temperatures! Also, people walk fast, very fast. (Laughs)

Q: Did you notice any differences in how scent marketing is implemented in the US versus Japan?

Rachel mentioned this last week as well, but in Japan, we go through a detailed analysis process of the space and brand concept, where we come up with various data points about the best scents to implement for the brand. In the US, I felt the focus was more on brand story and visual image, including the interiors and colors of a space. It was interesting to see how Japanese and American preferences differ culturally, even when selecting scents with similar goals.

Q: What does the word “global” mean to you?

Working at Air Aroma, the word has become very familiar. I think being ‘global’ is about knowing the positive and negative qualities of your own country, and being able to put yourself in the shoes of someone in another country. The ability to overcome those differences is key. It’s not easy, but I do hope to be able to think and communicate on a more global level.

Q: Did you have any difficulty communicating in the New York office?

Everyone in the New York office was lovely and a lot of fun, and they made me feel really comfortable. There were a few times when I couldn’t find the right words in English, but those were the moments I learned the most.

Q: Where did you notice scents in New York City (different from Japan)?

I noticed the scents of people more than places. Like how people wearing nice perfumes made subway rides more pleasant. Compared to the Japanese, a lot more people wear perfume in New York, and they wear it to represent who they are. That was fun to see.

Q: What’s your favorite Air Aroma fragrance? 

I like “Classic Spice”. The hints of spice incorporated into a warm wooden scent make for a cool, unique fragrance. I use it in my own room, because it helps me focus when I’m doing creative work, drawing illustrations. 

Q: What were some of your favorite art and/or fashion events in the city?

The city was overflowing with art. I was fortunate in that it was Fashion Week, and I was able to attend a jewelry show with my co-workers. The art displays, video screens, and innovative and forward-thinking jewelry in a bare warehouse space were all so artistic and inspirational.

Also, the Guggenheim Museum had a wonderful exhibition of Japanese artist On Kawara’s works, which made me stop and think about the world and time we live in now.

At Air Aroma Japan, we view scenting as a form of art, and believe in constantly experiencing, learning, and brushing up on our creative sensibilities. This first-time international exchange proved to be a tremendous opportunity to do just that.

To read Rachel’s interview, please click here.