シリーズ②「outdoor spray」〜不幸な犬や猫を「ゼロ」に

16 September, 2015

シリーズ②「outdoor spray」〜不幸な犬や猫を「ゼロ」に


ペット業界をリードする青山ケンネルスクールの協力のもと開発され、販売を開始した犬用の虫除けアロマ「outdoor spray」がこの夏販売をスタートしました。

空間に香りを付けることを専門としている私たちが、この「outdoor spray」の開発をスタートしたのは、ある動物愛護団体の方から日本国内だけで年間約12万頭の犬猫が殺処分されている、という現実を聞いたことがきっかけでした。

私たちが香りを使ってできることはないかと考えた結果、うまれたのが「outdoor spray」の開発と、1本購入につき100円を動物愛護団体へ寄付するというプロジェクトでした。 香りで犬や猫を捨てる人たちを止めることはできないけれど、捨てられ保護された犬や猫たちの命を次に繋ぐお手伝いはできるのではないか、そう考えました。

日本には捨てられてしまった犬や猫を動物愛護センターから引き出し、新しい飼い主を探すという保護活動をしている団体が多くあります。 私たちが活動に同行させていただいた「シンデレラプロジェクト」もそのひとつです。獣医、トレーナー、トリマーなど日頃動物に関わる様々な仕事をされている方々が集まり活動をしています。虐待を受けて傷ついた子たちを獣医が、噛み癖があるからと捨てられてしまった子たちをトレーナーが、汚れて毛玉だらけの子たちをトリマーが、というようにそれぞれの分野で活躍するプロの方たちが保護された犬や猫が新しい飼い主のもとへ行けるようにと尽力しているのです。

今回私たちは、その「シンデレラプロジェクト」のトリマーチーム「GOGOグルーマーズ」の方たちと東京都動物愛護相談センター 多摩支所に同行させていただきました。



先進国である日本はペット後進国とも呼ばれているのをご存知でしょうか。 ペット先進国であるドイツでは、犬猫の殺処分数ゼロが実現されています。入手ルートを制限することで、衝動買いなどによる安易な考えでペットを飼うことを防いでいるのです。私たちが今回伺った東京都の動物愛護センターでは、さまざまな取り組みにより殺処分数を格段に減らす事ができました。ですがまだまだ全国規模でみると多くの犬や猫たちが悲しい運命を辿っています。




Outdoor spray 2,300円(税込 2,484円)



※ outdoor spray 1本販売ごとに100円が動物愛護団体に寄付されます。



Caring for Pets in Need with Outdoor Spray – Part 2 (Read Part 1 of the series here)

This summer, we introduced an insect-repelling spray for dogs called “Outdoor Spray” in collaboration with one of Japan’s pet industry leaders, Aoyama Kennel School.

While our expertise lies in scenting spaces large and small, we were pulled to develop this Outdoor Spray upon learning through an animal welfare organization that over 120,000 dogs and cats are euthanized each year in Japan.

Considering how we might help these pets in need, we developed a product for pets in which 100 yen per bottle will be donated to an animal welfare organization. We understand a scent or fragrance alone will not prevent people from abandoning pets, but our wish is to support and protect the animals that have been abandoned and whose fate is to be killed.

In Japan, many animal welfare groups are active in retrieving animals from animal shelters and helping to locate new owners. The “Cinderella Project” in Tokyo is one of them, made up of professionals that include veterinarians, animal trainers, pet groomers, and others working with animals on a daily basis. These members have come together to maximize their expertise. The veterinarian cares for the abused animals, for example, while the trainers work with dogs that have been abandoned because they bite, and groomers shampoo and carefully trim the dogs before going to meet potential new owners.

Recently, we joined a team of groomers in the Cinderella Project called the “Go Go Groomers” on a visit to the Tokyo Metropolitan Animal Protection Center Tama Branch.

At the center, the staff filled us in on the center’s activities and current outlook, including how animals are saved and cared for. Animals taken into custody by the center are kept for seven days, and once seven days have passed, they are given names and animal support groups are contacted for possible adoptions.

When the Cinderella Project first launched, members say many centers brushed off their efforts, saying there was little meaning in grooming dogs that were “going to be killed anyway”. But now, many centers and staff have become supportive, welcoming the group’s mission to clean and groom the pets before sending them to meet their new owners.

While Japan is a developed country, when it comes to pets, the country is highly underdeveloped. In a “pet developed country” such as Germany, zero animals are euthanized each year. By placing restrictions on purchasing pets, impulse buying of would-be owners is prevented.

We learned that the Tokyo Animal Protection Center we visited has also been able to significantly reduce the number of animals that are euthanized each year. Still, the numbers are devastating when seen on a national level.

By helping to spread the word about the current situation surrounding abandoned pets, and by introducing groups like the Cinderella Project, our hope is to reach as many people as possible, one person at a time.

Working together to improve the situation is the first step in making sure that no animals are hurt at the whim of human beings.

Read Part 1 of the series “Caring for Pets in Need with Outdoor Spray” here


Outdoor Spray 2,300 yen (2,484 yen including tax)

This aroma spray is made with 100% natural essential oils. The refreshing scent of herbs that are discouraging to insects will help to create a relaxing and peaceful environment.

Purchase the spray HERE.
*100 yen per sale of Outdoor Spray will be donated to an animal welfare organization.

Related Article: Aroma Seminar at Aoyama Kennel School